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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 13, Issue 3, pp. 655-839

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Computation of Constants in the Strengthened Cauchy Inequality for Elliptic Bilinear Forms with Anisotropy

Panayot S. Vassilevski and Maya H. Etova

pp. 655-665

Approximation of the Invariant Manifold in the Josephson Equation

M. van Veldhuizen

pp. 666-675

A Generalized Prime Factor FFT Algorithm for any $N = 2^p 3^q 5^r $

Clive Temperton

pp. 676-686

A Method of Smooth Bivariate Interpolation for Data Given on a Generalized Curvilinear Grid

David W. Zingg and Maurice Yarrow

pp. 687-693

Iterative Solution of Linear Systems Arising from the Boundary Integral Method

Kendall E. Atkinson and Ivan G. Graham

pp. 694-722

Modification of the Householder Method Based on the Compact WY Representation

Chiara Puglisi

pp. 723-726

Some Applications of the Rank Revealing QR Factorization

Tony F. Chan and Per Christian Hansen

pp. 727-741

Stable Parallel Algorithms for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems

Stephen J. Wright

pp. 742-764

Three-Dimensional Delaunay Triangulations for Finite Element Approximations to a Second-Order Diffusion Operator

Frank W. Letniowski

pp. 765-770

A Parallel Nonlinear Least-Squares Solver: Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Results

Thomas F. Coleman and Paul E. Plassmann

pp. 771-793

Well-Conditioned Iterative Schemes for Mixed Finite-Element Models of Porous-Media Flows

Myron B. Allen, Richard E. Ewing, and Peng Lu

pp. 794-814

Efficient High Accuracy Solutions with ${\text{GMRES}}(m)$

Kathryn Turner and Homer F. Walker

pp. 815-825

A Grid-Based Subtree-Subcube Assignment Strategy for Solving Partial Differential Equations on Hypercubes

Mo Mu and J. R. Rice

pp. 826-839